How To Shoot A Recurve Bow? ( Using Sights And Without Sights)

When it comes to shooting a recurve bow, mastering the proper techniques is crucial for achieving accuracy and consistency. Whether you choose to shoot with sights or without, understanding the fundamentals of each method is essential.

In this blog post, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on shooting a recurve bow with and without sights, covering everything from setup to follow-through. Let’s dive in.

Shooting a Recurve Bow with SightsShooting a Recurve Bow without Sights
1. Set up sights on the bow1. Establish proper stance and grip
2. Adjust the sight pin for elevation and windage2. Nock the arrow and draw
3. Position the body perpendicular to the target3. Use aiming techniques (gap shooting, string walking)
4. Hold the bow with a relaxed grip4. Release the arrow and maintain follow-through
5. Nock the arrow and engage back muscles during the draw5. Practice and refine instinctive shooting
6. Align the sight pin with the target and maintain focus
7. Execute a smooth release and maintain form
8. Analyze shot results and make adjustments
9. Regular practice and goal-setting

Shooting a Recurve Bow With Sights

What are sights and how do they help?

Sights are attachments that aid archers in aiming their shots accurately.

They consist of a pin, aperture, and other components that provide visual references.

By aligning the sight pin with the target, archers can enhance their precision and increase their chances of hitting the bullseye.

Benefits of Using Sights

There are several benefits to using sights when shooting a recurve bow. One of the main advantages is improved accuracy and consistency.

Additionally, using sights can be helpful for those who are new to archery or who may struggle with aiming without them.

It’s a way to ensure that you’re hitting your target consistently, which can be especially important when practicing or competing.

Setting Up the Sights

Before you can start using sights on your recurve bow, you’ll need to properly set them up. Here’s how:

  1. Attach the sights to your bow. Make sure that they’re securely fastened and that the mounting brackets are tightened.
  2. Adjust the pins to your desired height. Depending on the distance of your target, you may need to adjust the pins to be higher or lower.
  3. Align the pins with the bowstring. When you draw your bow, the pins should be aligned with the string. If they’re not, you may need to adjust the pins or the mounting brackets.

Aligning the Sights and the Target

Once your sights are set up, it’s time to start aiming. Here’s how to align the sights and the target:

  1. Line up the top pin with the top of the target.
  2. Line up the bottom pin with the bottom of the target.
  3. Aim and shoot. When you’re ready to release the arrow, focus on the target and let the sights guide your aim.

Techniques for Shooting With Sights

In addition to setting up and aligning the sights, there are a few key techniques to keep in mind when shooting a recurve bow with sights:

  1. Proper grip. Make sure that you have a firm, but not too tight, grip on the bowstring. This will help you maintain control as you shoot.
  2. Stance. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your body facing the target. This will give you a stable base to shoot from.
  3. Release. When you’re ready to release the arrow, do so smoothly and consistently. This will help improve your accuracy and consistency.

Shooting a Recurve Bow Without Sights

Benefits of Shooting Without Sights

While using sights can offer improved accuracy and consistency, shooting a recurve bow without them has its own set of benefits. One of the main advantages is increased muscle development.

When you shoot without sight, you have to rely on your own muscles and techniques to aim and shoot accurately.

This can help improve your muscle control and strength, leading to better overall shooting performance.

Shooting without sights can also offer a stronger connection to traditional archery methods.

Many archers prefer the feeling of shooting without the aid of sights, and see it as a more authentic way to experience the sport.

Setting Up Your Recurve Bow Without Sights

Before you can start shooting a recurve bow without sights, you’ll need to set it up properly. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Make sure that your bow is properly strung and that the string is in good condition.
  • Choose the right arrows for your bow. Different bows may require different arrow lengths and weights, so it’s important to choose arrows that are compatible with your bow.
  • Find your anchor point. This is the point on your face or neck where you’ll consistently anchor the bowstring when shooting.
  • Adjust your stance and grip. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your body facing the target. Hold the bowstring with a firm, but not too tight, grip.

Finding Your Anchor Point and Aiming with Your Body Alignment

When shooting a recurve bow without sights, you’ll need to rely on your anchor point and body alignment to aim accurately. Here’s how to do it:

  • Find your anchor point. This is the point on your face or neck where you’ll consistently anchor the bowstring when shooting.
  • Align your body with the target. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your body facing the target. Make sure your body is aligned with the target, with your shoulders, hips, and feet all facing the same direction.
  • Aim with your anchor point and body alignment. When you draw the bowstring, aim by aligning your anchor point with the target. Keep your body alignment consistent as you shoot to maintain accuracy.

Techniques for Shooting Without Sights

In addition to setting up and aiming your recurve bow without sights, there are a few key techniques to keep in mind:

  1. Proper grip. Make sure that you have a firm, but not too tight, grip on the bowstring. This will help you maintain control as you shoot.
  2. Stance. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your body facing the target. This will give you a stable base to shoot from.
  3. Release. When you’re ready to release the arrow, do so smoothly and consistently. This will help improve your accuracy and consistency.

Choosing Between Sights and No Sights

So, which method is right for you – shooting a recurve bow with sights or without them? It ultimately comes down to personal preference and what works best for your shooting goals.

Here are a few factors to consider:

FactorsShooting with SightsShooting without Sights
AccuracyProvides precise aiming referenceRelies on instinct and muscle memory
ConsistencyHelps maintain consistent aimRequires practice for consistent shots
Distance EstimationSimplified with sight pinsRelies on visual references or string walking
FocusFocus on aligning the sight pin with the targetHeightens focus and anticipation
SimplicityRequires setup and adjustmentsSimplifies equipment setup
IntuitionLess emphasis on instinctive shootingEnhances reliance on instincts
ChallengeProvides additional challenge for skilled archersRequires honing instinctive shooting skills

Tips for Trying Out Both Methods

If you’re unsure which method is right for you, there’s no harm in trying out both. Here are a few tips for experimenting with both shooting a recurve bow with and without sights:

  • Start with the basics: Before you try out either method, ensure you have a solid foundation in the basics of archery. This includes proper grip, stance, and release techniques.
  • Practice with both methods: Take some time to practice shooting both with and without sights. This will help you get a feel for both ways and see which one works better for you
  • Find a balance: You don’t have to choose one method or the other – you can use both depending on your goals and preferences. For example, you may choose to use sights when practicing for a competition but switch to shooting without them when you’re just looking to have fun.


Shooting a recurve bow with or without sights is a personal decision that comes down to your goals, experience level, and preference.

Both methods have their own pros and cons, and it’s up to you to decide which one works best for you.

Using sights can offer improved accuracy and consistency, especially for those who are new to archery or who struggle with aiming without them.

However, shooting without sights can offer increased muscle development and a stronger connection to traditional archery methods.

Ultimately, the best method is the one that feels most natural and enjoyable for you. So, don’t be afraid to experiment and try out both methods to find the one that works best for you as an archer.

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