How to Measure the Draw Length of a Compound Bow? Discover the Secret Steps.

To measure the draw length of a compound bow, use a measuring tape to determine the distance between the bowstring’s nock point and the bow’s grip at full draw. The draw length is an essential measurement for ensuring proper form and accuracy while shooting a compound bow.

When measuring the draw length of a compound bow, accuracy is crucial. It determines the archer’s comfortable shooting position and affects the arrow’s velocity and trajectory. To accurately measure draw length, follow these steps. First, stand with your back against a wall and extend your arms straight out, forming a t-shape with your body.

Have a friend measure the distance from the tip of one middle finger to the tip of the other middle finger. Divide that measurement by 2. 5 to get your approximate draw length.

You can fine-tune this measurement by consulting with a professional archery shop and testing different draw lengths until you find the most comfortable and precise one for you.

Remember that an incorrect draw length can lead to poor shooting technique, discomfort, and decreased accuracy. Therefore, taking the time to properly measure your draw length is crucial for archery success.

Now that you know how to measure the draw length of a compound bow, you can ensure a successful shooting experience.

How to Measure the Draw Length of a Compound Bow? Discover the Secret Steps!


The Impact Of Incorrect Draw Length On Shooting Performance

When it comes to using a compound bow, one of the crucial factors that can greatly affect your shooting performance is having the correct draw length.

Drawing the bowstring to the correct length ensures optimal power and accuracy, allowing you to hit your target with precision.

On the other hand, an incorrect draw length can lead to a variety of issues that can hinder your overall shooting experience. Let’s explore the two main consequences of having an incorrect draw length:

Decreased Accuracy And Consistency:

  • Inconsistent anchor points: Having an incorrect draw length can make it challenging to find a consistent anchor point, which is the point at which you draw the bowstring before releasing the arrow. Inconsistent anchor points can result in inconsistent shooting patterns and decreased accuracy.
  • Poor sight picture: A wrong draw length can cause a misalignment of your eye with the bowstring and sight. This misalignment can create a distorted sight picture, making it difficult for you to aim accurately at your target.
  • Increased torque: Incorrect draw length can lead to increased torque or twisting of the bow, affecting the arrow’s flight path. Torque can cause the arrow to deviate from its intended trajectory, resulting in missed shots and reduced accuracy.

Increased Risk Of Injury:

  • Strained muscles: Using a compound bow with an incorrect draw length can put excessive strain on your muscles. If the draw length is too long or too short, you may find it difficult to maintain proper form and end up overexerting certain muscle groups, leading to fatigue and potential injuries.
  • Overextension of the bow arm: With an incorrect draw length, you may have to overextend your bow arm to compensate for the imbalanced draw. Overextension can strain your arm and shoulder, increasing the risk of muscle sprains or even severe injuries such as tendonitis.
  • Discomfort and pain: Using a bow with an incorrect draw length can result in discomfort and pain in various parts of your body, including the shoulder, neck, and back. Continuous shooting with an ill-fitted draw length can lead to chronic issues and affect your overall shooting experience.

Ensuring the correct draw length is imperative for achieving optimal shooting performance. An incorrect draw length can significantly decrease accuracy and consistency, resulting in missed shots and frustration. Moreover, it can increase the risk of injury, leading to long-term discomfort.

Therefore, it is crucial to measure your draw length accurately and make necessary adjustments to optimize your shooting experience.

Benefits Of Determining The Correct Draw Length

Determining the correct draw length is crucial for compound bow users. It brings forth several benefits that significantly improve your archery experience. Below are the key advantages of measuring and setting the appropriate draw length:

  • improved accuracy and consistency:

Achieving accurate and consistent shots is the ultimate goal for any archer, and determining the correct draw length plays a vital role in achieving this. Here are the benefits related to accuracy and consistency:

  • Increased precision: A proper draw length allows you to anchor consistently, enabling you to consistently replicate your shot process and aim more accurately.
  • Better shot grouping: When your draw length is set correctly, you can achieve tighter shot groupings, resulting in greater accuracy.
  • enhanced comfort and shooting experience:

In addition to accuracy, determining the correct draw length enhances your overall comfort and shooting experience. Here’s how it benefits you:

  • Reduced strain and fatigue: With the correct draw length, you will experience less strain on your muscles and joints, reducing the risk of fatigue during extended shooting sessions.
  • Improved control and stability: A well-matched draw length provides better control over the bow and improves stability, resulting in smoother and more controlled shots.
  • Optimal shooting form: The right draw length allows you to maintain proper shooting form effortlessly, enhancing your overall shooting experience.
  • increased power and energy transfer:

Optimizing your draw length ensures maximum power and energy transfer during each shot. This brings the following advantages:

  • More kinetic energy: A proper draw length allows you to generate more kinetic energy, resulting in increased arrow speed and improved bow performance.
  • Efficient energy transfer: With the correct draw length, energy transfer from bow to arrow is optimized, maximizing the arrow’s potential velocity and impact on the target.

Determining and setting the correct draw length is crucial for archers to achieve improved accuracy, consistency, comfort, and overall shooting performance. Remember, choosing the right draw length is a personalized process, and consulting with a qualified archery professional is recommended for the most accurate results.

Essential Tools

To accurately measure the draw length of a compound bow, you will need a few essential tools. These tools will help you determine the proper draw length for your specific bow, ensuring that you have the best shooting experience possible.

Here are the essential tools you will need:

  • Bow: You will obviously need a compound bow to measure its draw length. Make sure the bow is set up correctly and ready for measurement.
  • Arrow: Having an arrow that matches your bow’s specifications is crucial for accurate measurement. Make sure you have an arrow that is suitable for your bow’s draw weight and length.
  • Tape measure or draw length measuring device: This tool is essential for measuring the draw length of your bow. You can use a traditional tape measure or invest in a draw length measuring device specifically designed for this purpose.
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Measure the draw length of your compound bow by following these steps:

  • Stand in a shooting position: Assume your shooting stance with your feet shoulder-width apart and facing the target.
  • Extend your arm: Hold the bow in your non-dominant hand and extend your arm fully towards the target. Make sure your arm is straight and not bent.
  • Place the measuring device: With your bow hand fully extended, use the tape measure or draw length measuring device to measure from the back of the bow’s grip to the front edge of the arrow rest.
  • Record the measurement: Once you have the measurement, note it down for future reference.

By using these tools and following the proper technique, you can accurately measure the draw length of your compound bow. This measurement is crucial for finding the right arrows and achieving optimal shooting performance.

Optional Tools

To measure the draw length of a compound bow accurately, you can consider using the following optional tools:

  • Mirror or wall-mounted measuring chart: A mirror or wall-mounted measuring chart offers a convenient and easy way to measure your draw length. Simply stand in front of the mirror or chart, holding your bow, and extend your arm comfortably outward. Mark the point where the string touches your face, and measure the distance from this point to where your grip rests on the bow.
  • Bow press (for more accurate measurement): While not essential, using a bow press can provide a more accurate measurement of your draw length. This tool allows you to reduce the tension on the bowstring, making it easier to measure the draw length precisely. Once the tension is released, you can measure from the bowstring loop’s groove to the bow’s grip, giving you an accurate reading of your draw length.

Remember, these tools are optional, and you can still measure your draw length without them. They can be particularly useful if you are looking for a more accurate measurement or want to simplify the process.

Step 1: Proper Stance And Posture

Correct Standing Position

Having the correct stance and posture is essential when measuring the draw length of a compound bow. By following these guidelines, you can ensure accurate and consistent measurements:

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart to maintain stability.
  • Position your body perpendicular to the target with a slight forward lean.
  • Keep your back straight and your core engaged for balance.
  • Relax your shoulders and avoid tension in your upper body.
  • Maintain a natural and comfortable posture throughout the process.

Remember, the correct standing position is the foundation for accurate draw length measurement. It allows you to achieve consistent results and improves your overall shooting technique.

Step 2: Draw And Anchoring

Understanding The Draw Cycle

The draw cycle of a compound bow refers to the process of drawing the bowstring back until it reaches the full draw length. It’s important to understand this cycle because it influences the performance and accuracy of your shots. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the draw cycle:

  • Draw length adjustment: Before you start, make sure the bow is properly adjusted to your desired draw length. This can be done by consulting the bow’s manual or seeking assistance from a professional.
  • Initial draw: Begin by gripping the bow handle with your non-dominant hand and extending your dominant arm fully. Place your fingers on the bowstring and start pulling back smoothly.
  • Peak draw: As you continue to draw back, you’ll reach a point where the bowstring reaches its maximum tension. This is known as the peak draw, which varies depending on the specific bow design.
  • Holding at full draw: Once you’ve reached the peak draw, hold the bowstring in that position for a few seconds to gain proper muscle memory and stability.
  • Release: After holding at full draw, release the bowstring smoothly and consistently to shoot your arrow towards the target.

Consistent Anchor Point

To ensure accuracy and consistency in your shots, it’s crucial to establish and maintain a consistent anchor point throughout the draw cycle. An anchor point refers to the specific point on your face where you anchor the bowstring during full draw.

Here are some key aspects to consider:

  • Find your anchor point: Experiment with different anchor points until you find one that feels comfortable and allows you to maintain a consistent form. Common anchor points include the corner of the mouth, the side of the jaw, or the nose.
  • Consistency is key: Once you’ve found your anchor point, make a conscious effort to consistently anchor the bowstring in the same spot for every shot. This will improve your muscle memory and shot consistency.
  • Relaxation and stability: Ensure that your anchor point allows for a relaxed and stable shooting position. Avoid excessive tension or strain in your face or neck muscles, as this can negatively impact your accuracy.

Remember, measuring and adjusting the draw length of your compound bow are essential steps in optimizing your shooting performance. By understanding the draw cycle and establishing a consistent anchor point, you’ll be well on your way to improving your accuracy and overall archery skills.

Step 3: Measuring The Draw Length

Using A Tape Measure Or Draw Length Measuring Device:

To measure the draw length of a compound bow accurately, you have two options: using a tape measure or a draw length measuring device. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Tape measure method:
  • Stand upright and extend your arm out to the side, forming a 90-degree angle with your body.
  • Hold the tape measure parallel to the ground, with its zero end at the corner of your mouth.
  • With your other hand, measure the distance from the corner of your mouth to the tip of your outstretched fingers.
  • Record this measurement as your draw length.
  • Draw length measuring device method:
  • Attach the draw length measuring device to the bowstring.
  • Extend your bow arm fully and anchor the bowstring against your face.
  • Draw the bowstring using your other hand until it reaches full draw.
  • The draw length measuring device will display the exact draw length of your compound bow.

Remember, accuracy is crucial when measuring the draw length as it directly impacts your shooting form and overall performance. Take multiple measurements to ensure consistency and always have assistance if needed.

Step 4: Calculating The Draw Length

Determining The Distance Between Reference Points:

  • To accurately calculate the draw length of your compound bow, it is important to measure the distance between two key reference points: The pivot point of the bow’s grip and the bowstring at full draw.
  • You can measure this distance by using a flexible tape measure or a string attached to the pivot point and stretched along the bow to the string at full draw.
  • Make sure to maintain a straight line when measuring and avoid any deviations that may affect the accuracy of your calculation.
  • Once you have determined the accurate distance between these reference points, you can move on to the next steps in calculating your draw length.
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Understanding The Different Measurement Methods (Amo Standard, Wingspan Method):

  • The amo standard method is commonly used to measure the draw length of a compound bow. It involves measuring the distance from the pivot point of the bow’s grip to the string at full draw without any additional factors.
  • Another method that is gaining popularity is the wingspan method. This method uses your wingspan (the distance from the tip of one middle finger to the tip of the other middle finger when your arms are outstretched) to estimate your draw length. This method can provide a quick estimation but may not be as precise as the amo standard.
  • To use the wingspan method, simply divide your wingspan measurement by 2.5. This can give you a rough estimate of your draw length, but it’s important to note that individual differences in body proportions may affect the accuracy of this method.
  • It is recommended to use the amo standard method for more precise measurements, especially if you’re a beginner or seeking optimal performance.

Remember, accurately measuring your draw length is crucial for optimal shooting performance and accuracy. Take your time to ensure precise measurements and enjoy the benefits of a properly fitted compound bow.

Tip 1: Seek Assistance From A Professional

Tip 1: Seek Assistance From A Professional.

If you’re new to measuring the draw length of a compound bow, seeking help from a professional is crucial. Professionals at local archery shops have extensive knowledge and experience in working with different types of bows. They can guide you through the process and ensure accurate measurements.

Here are a few reasons why visiting a local archery shop is a great idea:

  • Expert guidance: Archery shop professionals are well-versed in the intricacies of bow measurements. They can provide personalized assistance based on your physical attributes and shooting style.
  • Proper equipment: These shops have specialized tools and equipment specifically designed for measuring draw length accurately. By relying on their expertise and equipment, you’ll get precise measurements.
  • Customized recommendations: Professionals can analyze your draw length measurements and recommend the right equipment, such as bows and arrows, to suit your needs. This ensures optimal performance and reduces the risk of injuries.

Consultation with experienced archers:

  • Valuable insights: Speaking with experienced archers can provide valuable insights into measuring draw length. They have practical knowledge gained through their own experiences and can offer tips and tricks to improve accuracy.
  • Learning from others’ mistakes: Experienced archers often share their mistakes and what they learned from them. By listening to their stories, you can avoid common pitfalls and make the process smoother.
  • Different perspectives: Consulting with multiple experienced archers can expose you to different approaches to measuring draw length. This helps you consider alternative methods and choose the one that works best for you.

Remember, professionals at archery shops and experienced archers are there to support and guide you on your journey. Don’t hesitate to seek their assistance when measuring the draw length of your compound bow.

Tip 2: Be Aware Of Personal Preferences

Tip 2: Be Aware Of Personal Preferences.

When it comes to measuring the draw length of a compound bow, it’s important to be mindful of personal preferences. Every archer is unique, and what may work for one may not work for another. Here are some considerations to keep in mind:

  • Experimenting with different draw lengths:
  • It’s recommended to experiment with various draw lengths to find what feels most comfortable and allows for optimal performance.
  • Start by trying the manufacturer’s recommended draw length for your bow and make adjustments from there.
  • Shooting at different draw lengths can help determine what feels natural and allows for good accuracy and consistency.
  • Considerations for specific shooting styles (hunting vs target shooting):
  • Hunting: Hunters often prefer shorter draw lengths as they allow for better maneuverability and a quicker release. Shorter draw lengths also provide a wider field of view, which can be beneficial when tracking targets in the field.
  • Target shooting: Target shooters tend to opt for longer draw lengths to achieve maximum power and accuracy. Longer draw lengths can also help in maintaining stability throughout the shot process.

Remember, it’s essential to find the draw length that suits your individual shooting style and preferences. So, don’t hesitate to experiment and find what works best for you. Happy shooting!

Tip 3: Regularly Re-Evaluate Draw Length

Understanding and regularly reassessing your draw length is crucial to ensure optimal performance and accuracy with your compound bow. There are a few factors that may require you to make adjustments to your draw length over time. Here are two essential considerations to keep in mind:

Changes In Physical Condition And Form:

  • As we grow older, our bodies undergo various physical changes. Factors such as weight gain or loss, muscle development, or even changes in flexibility can all impact your draw length.
  • Regularly assessing your physical condition, including measuring your wingspan and accompanying changes in your form, can help you stay on top of any shifts that may affect your draw length.
  • For example, if you have gained muscle and improved your back muscles, your draw length may increase. Conversely, weight loss or reduced flexibility may result in a shorter draw length.
  • By regularly re-evaluating your draw length, you can make the necessary adjustments to maximize your performance and maintain consistent shooting accuracy.

Adjustments For Different Shooting Scenarios:

  • Another factor to consider when measuring your draw length is the shooting scenarios you commonly encounter.
  • If you primarily engage in target shooting, you may prefer a longer draw length to increase stability and improve your aim.
  • On the other hand, if you participate in hunting or other scenarios that require quick and accurate shots, a shorter draw length may allow for faster arrow release and better maneuverability.
  • By evaluating the specific shooting scenarios you participate in and how your draw length affects your shot execution, you can determine the ideal draw length for each situation.
  • Remember to consider comfort and consistency in your shooting form when making adjustments. Your draw length should facilitate a smooth release and allow you to maintain a proper stance throughout the shooting process.

Regularly reassessing your draw length based on changes in your physical condition and form, as well as adjusting for different shooting scenarios, ensures that you optimize your compound bow’s performance for accuracy and consistency. Stay tuned for more tips on measuring draw length in our upcoming blog post.

Problem 1: Improper Anchor Point

Maintaining a consistent anchor point is crucial for accurate and consistent shooting with a compound bow. An improper anchor point can greatly affect your accuracy and overall shooting performance. Here are some common problems associated with an inconsistent anchor point and the necessary corrections:

  • Incorrect hand placement:
  • Placing your hand too far back on the jaw or too close to the throat can lead to inconsistent anchor points.
  • Make sure to position your hand firmly against your jawbone, achieving a consistent anchor point with each shot.
  • Inconsistent finger placement:
  • When utilizing a finger release, the placement of your fingers on the string can vary, resulting in inconsistent anchor points.
  • Practice placing your fingers in the same position on the string each time, ensuring a consistent anchor point.
  • Lack of reference points:
  • Without proper reference points, it can be challenging to consistently achieve the same anchor point.
  • Use physical markers, such as kisser buttons or nose tabs, as reference points to ensure a consistent anchor point.

Corrections For Inconsistent Anchor Point

To address an inconsistent anchor point, it is essential to focus on the following corrections:

  • Repetitive practice:
  • Regularly practice drawing and anchoring your compound bow to reinforce muscle memory and achieve a consistent anchor point.
  • The more you practice, the more natural and consistent your anchor point will become.
  • Video analysis:
  • Record yourself shooting with a compound bow and analyze the footage to identify any inconsistencies in your anchor point.
  • By visually reviewing your form, you can make necessary adjustments to achieve a consistent anchor point.
  • Seek guidance from a coach or experienced archer:
  • A knowledgeable coach or mentor can provide valuable feedback on your anchor point and help you make necessary corrections.
  • They can offer personalized advice and techniques to improve your consistency and accuracy.
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Tips For Maintaining Proper Alignment

To ensure proper alignment and enhance your shooting performance, consider the following tips:

  • Posture and stance:
  • Maintain an upright posture and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Keep your body relaxed, while ensuring a strong foundation for stability and balance.
  • Shoulder alignment:
  • Align your shoulders with the target, keeping them parallel and level.
  • Improper shoulder alignment can lead to torque, affecting your accuracy.
  • Consistent draw length:
  • Consistently draw the bowstring to the same anchor point, achieving a consistent draw length.
  • This promotes muscle memory and improves accuracy.
  • Eye focus:
  • Focus your dominant eye on the target, aligning it with the bowstring and sight pins.
  • Proper eye focus enhances accuracy and target acquisition.
  • Relaxation and follow-through:
  • Stay relaxed throughout the shot, maintaining a consistent anchor point until after releasing the bowstring.
  • Avoid any unnecessary movements that might disrupt your alignment.

By addressing problems associated with an inconsistent anchor point and following these tips for maintaining proper alignment, you can enhance your shooting accuracy and overall performance with a compound bow. Practice regularly, seek guidance when needed, and emphasize consistency in your shooting technique.

Problem 2: Ill-Fitted Equipment

Adjusting Draw Length On A Compound Bow:

  • Incorrect draw length can lead to significant problems in your archery experience. Understanding how to measure and adjust the draw length of your compound bow is crucial for achieving optimal performance. Here’s what you need to know:

The Impact Of Incorrect Draw Length On Equipment Performance:

  • An ill-fitted compound bow can negatively affect your accuracy, consistency, and overall shooting experience. Here are some ways in which incorrect draw length can impact the performance of your equipment:
  • Draw length that is too long:
  • This can cause overextension, leading to difficulty in holding steady at full draw, decreased accuracy, and excessive strain on your muscles.
  • It may also result in a shorter power stroke, reducing the bow’s energy output and performance.
  • Draw length that is too short:
  • This can result in a cramped shooting form, making it challenging to achieve a comfortable and repeatable anchor point.
  • It can also lead to a reduced power stroke, limiting the bow’s potential speed and energy.
  • Inconsistent draw length:
  • Inconsistent draw length can cause inconsistency in your shot execution and lead to erratic arrow flight.
  • It can also make it difficult to develop proper muscle memory and achieve consistent anchor points.
  • Limited performance and efficiency:
  • When the draw length is poorly matched to your body, you may not be able to fully utilize the bow’s potential power and efficiency.
  • Proper draw length ensures a smooth and efficient transfer of energy from the bow to the arrow, maximizing performance.
  • Risk of injury:
  • An ill-fitted compound bow can put unnecessary strain on your muscles and joints, increasing the risk of discomfort, fatigue, and potential injury.
  • It is crucial to adjust the draw length to your specific physical attributes to ensure safe and enjoyable shooting sessions.

By understanding the impact of incorrect draw length on equipment performance, you can take the necessary steps to measure and adjust your compound bow’s draw length for an improved archery experience.

Problem 3: Comfort And Shooting Experience

Recognizing Discomfort During Shooting

  • Uneasiness or discomfort while shooting a compound bow can lead to poor shooting technique and overall shooting experience. It is essential to recognize any signs of discomfort and address them promptly. Here are some common indicators of discomfort:
  • Shoulder strain: Feeling excessive pressure or strain on your shoulder while drawing or holding the bow.
  • Elbow pain: Experiencing pain in your elbow during or after shooting.
  • Arm discomfort: Feeling numbness, tingling, or discomfort in your forearm or upper arm.
  • Finger or wrist fatigue: Experiencing fatigue or discomfort in your fingers or wrist when gripping the bow or pulling the string.
  • Neck or back strain: Feeling tension or strain in your neck or back as a result of shooting.
  • Identifying the cause of discomfort is crucial for improving your shooting experience. Keep in mind that discomfort during shooting may be a sign that your draw length is not properly adjusted. By addressing draw length issues, you can enhance your shooting comfort and overall performance.

Addressing Issues With Draw Length Adjustment

  • Properly adjusting the draw length of your compound bow is essential for optimal shooting performance and comfort. Here are some steps you can take to address draw length issues:
  • Seek professional guidance: Consulting a knowledgeable archery professional or bow technician can help you determine the correct draw length for your specific physique and shooting style.
  • Use the correct measuring technique: Follow a reliable and accurate method for measuring your draw length, ensuring precision in the adjustment process.
  • Adjust the draw length: If you find that your current draw length is too long or too short, consider making adjustments to achieve the ideal length. Shortening or lengthening the draw length can be done by modifying the bow’s modules or cams.
  • Test your adjustments: After modifying the draw length, test it by shooting a few arrows and assessing your comfort and overall shooting experience. Make further adjustments if necessary.
  • Consider a professional tune-up: If you are unsure about making the necessary adjustments yourself, it’s advisable to seek professional bow tuning services to ensure accuracy and precision.

Addressing draw length issues directly enhances shooting comfort, accuracy, and consistency. By taking the necessary steps to measure and adjust your draw length correctly, you can ensure an improved shooting experience with your compound bow.

Frequently Asked Questions On How To Measure The Draw Length Of A Compound Bow?

How Do I Determine My Draw Length For A Compound Bow?

To determine your draw length for a compound bow, stand upright with your arms extended and measure the distance from the base of your neck to the middle of your fist when your arm is fully extended. Add 1. 75 inches to this measurement to get your draw length.

Why Is Draw Length Important For A Compound Bow?

Draw length is important for a compound bow because it determines the distance the bow is pulled back before release. The correct draw length ensures proper form, accuracy, and consistency in shooting. Using an incorrect draw length can lead to discomfort, decreased accuracy, and potential injury.

What Happens If I Use The Wrong Draw Length?

Using the wrong draw length can result in various issues. If your draw length is too short, you may feel cramped and have decreased accuracy. Conversely, if your draw length is too long, it can lead to overextension, causing loss of control and accuracy.

It is crucial to use the correct draw length for optimal performance and safety.


Accurately measuring the draw length of a compound bow is crucial for achieving optimal performance and accuracy. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your bow is properly adjusted to your specific body measurements and shooting style.

Remember to use a reliable draw length measuring tool, such as a draw board or a measuring arrow, to obtain precise measurements. Taking into account factors like arm span, dominant eye, and shooting form will also contribute to a more personalized and comfortable shooting experience.

Regularly checking and adjusting your draw length as you grow or change in size and flexibility is equally important. By mastering this skill, you’ll be able to fine-tune your compound bow to suit your needs, resulting in improved accuracy and a more enjoyable shooting experience.

So don’t hesitate to measure the draw length of your compound bow and unlock your full potential as an archer.