What Is Barebow Archery? (The Fullproff Para)

Barebow archery is the oldest form of archery, and it’s also known as primitive or traditional archery. The process of using barebow archery is not the same as other types of archery as it is done without using any form of sights, stabilizers, or rests. 

The bowstring and the arrow are positioned on opposite sides of the face to create a straight line between them that will help in aiming with precision at one’s target.

Without having arrow rest, stabilizers and sights, you need to grab the string with your fingers at full draw for a release. This style of shooting was used in ancient times before modern-day bows were invented.

Here in this article, you will get to know about barebow archery and how it differs from the other types of archery, how to get started with barebow archery, and all about its benefits too. So let’s started-

Barebow archery-

The sport of barebow porridge (i.e., without any type of sighting device) has been around for centuries. Most of the time when you practice archery it should include accessories but when you attend the barebow archery event it won’t accept playing with these accessories, so it’s quite fun to involve in this game. 

What is barebow archery? How to get started with barebow archery?

The first step is getting a bow. You can buy one from a store, or make your own using materials found at home.

A basic bow will cost around $30 and last you until you master the sport. Some people use arrows they’ve made themselves as well – just be sure they don’t have any sharp edges!

Once you’re set with these basics, it’s time for some target shooting practice.

The right thing about barebow archery is that there are no rules so targets aren’t limited in size, distance, or location!

Plus, because of how low-tech this type of archery is, it may prove easier on your budget than other styles.  

Have you ever wanted to try Barebow archery?

Barebow archery is a great way to get started in the sport. It’s easy, fun, and inexpensive. All you need is a bow and arrows!

You’ll be able to shoot at targets from close range or far away, depending on your skill level. And because there are no sights on the bow, it will teach you how to aim with accuracy without relying on anything but your own instincts.

Plus, it’s just as much of an adrenaline rush as any other form of archery!

Barebow archery competitions: How does it play?

In barebow archery competitions, there are two types of rounds: field round and target round. In a field round, you have three arrows to shoot at three targets from varying distances (9m-36m). 

You can use any type of bow to shoot these three arrows. it doesn’t matter whether it’s a recurve bow or compound. However, the barebow archery is primitive moderation so you can’t take accessories to the competition.


How does barebow differ from normal bow hunting?

You can practice barebow in many different ways: target shooting, field shooting, or even hunting! The main difference between traditional archery and barebow is that there are no rests for the string when practicing with an arrow – it’s all about what you experience as instinct. 

This forces you to rely on muscle memory rather than relying on any technological advances like laser sighting systems or telescopic sight devices which most hunters used. 

Target Shooting:

Target shooting is a type of barebow where you’re practicing on targets. You’ll need to be able to set up the range, and then take it down at the end without damaging anything.

The main goal for target shooting is accuracy. You want your arrow to hit as close to the center-point as possible in order to score points.

When aiming, remember that if an object has height it will have three dimensions: length, width, and depth; 

So when targeting something like a tree or rock make sure you aim at one of these directions rather than just focusing on its vertical dimension, because this could result in missing your mark entirely! 

Field Shooting:

Field shooting with barebow is a type of archery that is practiced in the open, away from targets. The main goal for field shooting with a barebow is speed and distance.

You want to get as close to your target without hitting it (or missing!), then release an arrow before you have time to think about what you’re doing – this helps train both accuracy and you will know your limitations.

Even Hunting: 

While using barebow, the even hunting technique is suitable to use when hunting in the compact area. Use your sight on a tree branch or rock, adjust for distance as needed and let fly!

What are some of the benefits of barebow? 

The main benefit of barebow archery is that it develops better eye dominance – which makes you more accurate with traditional bows once you switch over (or if you’ve never used one).

There’s also less risk involved because there aren’t any releases to misfire. The string can only be fired by releasing the fingers from their grip on it.

And lastly, unless someone sets up targets around a course, barebow shooting doesn’t require much space at all (unlike target shooting) so people don’t have to be tensed about.

What style should you follow while using barebow?

Bowhunters have many different styles to choose from when it comes to hunting with a bow. One of the more traditional methods is barebow shooting, in which you use no form of protection on your arm or hand

While shooting with barebow, you need to protect yourself to stable shoot, and that’s why barebow shooters should often use a release aid.

A bare bow does not have the same flight characteristics as an arrow shot from a recurve or compound bow because it is designed to be human-powered and unassisted by any mechanical device; hence its name “bare.” 

The types of barebow shooting style  are as follows:

Traditional style (using only finger tabs)

In tradition style shooting, you can use your finger tabs as protection from the string, but they are not mandatory.

Traditional style marksmanship is commonly used in competitions because of its ease to switch between shooting and protecting your fingers 

Finger release style (with or without glove) 

While applying finger release style, you can use a glove or not. This style is popular among those who want to shoot barebow for hunting.

Dagger style (without any protection) 

Dagger-style shooting does not protect your fingers and the bowstring will come in contact with your hand every shot. It’s most commonly used by people training for competition.


Related: Do Heavier Arrows Fly Better? – Bowhunting Strategies

Tips on shooting a bow and arrow correctly?

  • The first thing you need to do is find a good spot
  • Next, you’ll want to make sure that your bow arm is in line with the arrow and that it’s not too far away from your body
  • You should also be looking at the target while holding the bow so that you know where to aim
  • And finally, make sure you’re pulling back on the string as hard as possible before releasing it into its natural position 
  • If done correctly, this will give you a much better chance of hitting your target!
  • Remember these tips for shooting a barebow and arrow when practicing or hunting next time!

Safety precautions when practicing or competing in the sport of barebow archery!

  • Always wear the appropriate safety gear
  • Never shoot an arrow at a person or animal while practicing.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and never shoot arrows when you are near power lines, cars, or other objects that could be damaged by an errant arrow
  • Keep all arrows pointed away from people and animals at all times
  • Know how to properly handle a bow in case it breaks during use
  • Always keep your fingers out of the way of the string while shooting an arrow
  • Never shoot an arrow without an archery target
  • Always use the right size of bow for your height and strength
  • Use a release aid to help you aim better and reduce strain on your arm muscles.
  • Always use a backstop when shooting indoors and outdoors.


If you’ve ever wanted to try archery, but don’t know where to start or how the sport is different from others, then this whole blog post may help you a lot.

We talked about barebow archery and what it entails as well as how to get started with it so that you can see if it’s right for your needs. 

Now go out there and shoot some arrows! Have any of these thoughts crossed your mind when thinking about trying a new exercise?

What are my goals in taking up an activity like this? How much time will I need to commit each week? Gaining archery skill? How to use bow stabilization?  Don’t worry- we’ve got all those answers too! Read other’s articles. 

See also  How to Build an Archery Target Stand? Basic Guide